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Monday, September 5, 2016

Preguntas frecuentes sobre síntomas post-operatorios y cómo prevenir complicaciones

La popularidad de la cirugía plástica en México se ha incrementado en los últimos años, lo que ha provocado una mayor demanda y accesibilidad. Aunque miles de personas se realizan procedimientos sin complicaciones, los riesgos siempre están presentes. Por lo tanto, es común que los pacientes tengan dudas referentes a su seguridad y sobre algunos de los síntomas post operatorios que puedan surgir.

Para proveerle con algo de información, le presentamos algunas de las preguntas más frecuentes que los pacientes hacen, y algunos consejos para prevenir complicaciones.

¿Es difícil la recuperación?
Cada paciente es diferente. Algunas personas tienen mayor tolerancia al dolor que otras, y dependiendo del procedimiento, puede haber más o menos convalecencia. Una forma de minimizar los síntomas es siguiendo las indicaciones de su cirujano. El Dr. Manuel Gutiérrez sugiere tomar los medicamentos a tiempo y evitar actividades que pongan en riesgo la seguridad. Obtenga la mayor información posible sobre el procedimiento que ha elegido y cuídese bien.

¿Qué debo saber sobre las cirugías que no requieren hospitalización?
Es importante que sepa sobre la seguridad de estos procesos, y qué resultados se deben esperar. Para maximizar su seguridad, asegúrese que su médico está certificado, tiene instalaciones modernas y personal capacitado para monitorear su anestesia y recuperación inmediata. El Dr. Manuel Gutiérrez cumple con todos estos requisitos y cuenta con más de 20 años de experiencia.

¿Por cuánto tiempo permanecerán los cambios en mi cuerpo?
Los resultados dependen del tipo de procedimiento que haya elegido. En general, serán duraderos si se lleva un estilo de vida saludable. Algunos procedimientos requieren mantenimiento a lo largo de los años. Pregunte a su médico sobre la vida estándar de los beneficios que ha obtenido.

¿Existe algo que minimice la hinchazón y los moretones?
Sí. Obedezca las indicaciones de su médico y pregunte sobre el uso de compresas frías y tibias, ya que no solo reducen la hinchazón sino que maximizan y promueven la recuperación.  

Estas son solo algunas recomendaciones que le ayudarán a sanar rápidamente. Recuerde que la mejor manera de prevenir las complicaciones es no dejar que sucedan. Siga las órdenes de su médico y cuídese bien. Esto reduce el riesgo y las molestias asociadas a las cirugías plásticas.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Diferencias entre cirugía plástica y cirugía estética

Una de las ideas erróneas más comunes en el tema de los procedimientos quirúrgicos cosméticos, es que la cirugía plástica y estética son una sola o la misma. La realidad es que sí existe una diferencia. Dependiendo del objetivo, cada uno de estos procedimientos está destinado a diferentes pacientes.

Mientras que la cirugía estética se enfoca al embellecimiento del cuerpo, la cirugía plástica por otro lado, está dedicada a corregir malformaciones del cuerpo o defectos de nacimiento.  

Por ejemplo, algunos de los procedimientos que incluye la cirugía estética son aumento y levantamiento de busto, rejuvenecimiento o estiramiento del rostro y cuerpo, por citar algunos.

En cambio, la cirugía plástica incluye reconstrucción de seno, injertos de piel por quemaduras, cirugía de labio leporino y más.

¿Por qué son importantes estas diferencias? La razón por la que un paciente debe tener esta información es porque cada una de estas categorías requiere una certificación propia. En otras palabras, el tipo de cirugía que usted desee, determina la certificación que su médico debe tener para poderle brindar el desempeño y profesionalismo adecuado.

Es importante destacar que la cirugía plástica incluye en cierta medida a la estética, pero con un enfoque diferente. Esta situación resulta en que algunos cirujanos plásticos se promueven también como estéticos y practican procedimientos para los que no están certificados. Sacan provecho de la falta de información de sus pacientes, poniéndolos en situaciones de riesgo u ofreciendo resultados no deseados.

El estar bien informado acerca de las certificaciones plásticas y estéticas le proveerá a la vez, con una ventaja en el marco legal, en caso de que fuese necesario.

Por lo tanto, el cirujano ideal que usted debe considerar para un procedimiento, es aquel que posea ambas certificaciones, ya que esto le garantizará la colaboración de un médico más capacitado, con mayor preparación. También tome en cuenta los años de experiencia de su doctor, así como las instalaciones donde realiza sus procedimientos. El Dr. Manuel Gutiérrez tiene ambas certificaciones y está plenamente capacitado para realizar cualquier procedimiento que usted requiera. Con más de 20 años de experiencia en ambas áreas y modernas instalaciones, es un cirujano profesional, listo para ofrecerle la mejor  asesoría, además de un servicio personalizado y confiable.

No olvide preguntar más a su médico. Toda esta información y su buen juicio le ayudarán a encontrar a la persona indicada para el tipo de procedimiento que usted necesita.

Differences between plastic and cosmetic surgery

One typical misconception surrounding the subject of aesthetic procedures is that plastic and cosmetic surgery are one or the same; this is actually not true. Regarding on its purpose, these procedures are destined to serve different patients.

While cosmetic surgery is focused on the embellishment of the body, plastic surgery is actually destined to repair defects and reconstruct a normal function or appearance.

For example, some of the procedures that cosmetic surgery includes are breast enhancement, face and body contouring and rejuvenation, to name a few.

Plastic surgery on the other side includes breast reconstruction, burn repair, congenital defect correction, hand surgery, and more.

What make these differences important? The reason why a patient should have this information is because each of these categories requires a separate certification. In other words, the type of surgery you want will determine the certification your surgeon should have in order to provide you with the performance and professionalism you need.

It is important to notice that plastic surgery includes a small portion of cosmetic surgery, but with a different approach. This situation may result in plastic doctors promoting themselves also as cosmetic or practicing cosmetic surgeries when they are not qualified to do so. They take advantage of this misinformation from their customers, placing them in risky situations or delivering undesired results.
Knowing the necessary facts about plastic and cosmetic certifications will also provide you with an advantage in the legal area, in case you would have to do something about it.

The best surgeon you should hire is one with both credentials, as you will be able to work with a more prepared and trained doctor. Also take in consideration the years of experience the medic has, and the installations where he performs at. Dr. Manuel Gutiérrez has both credentials and is fully qualified to perform all your surgery needs. With more than 20 years of experience on both fields and state of the art facilities, he is a surgeon professionally ready to give you the best advice, plus a safe and personalized care.

Remember to always ask your doctor any questions or concerns you may have. All this information and your good judgment will help you find the right person for the right procedure.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Cómo elegir al cirujano plástico adecuado

La cirugía plástica puede cambiar de manera positiva la vida de las personas. Es por ello que elegir un cirujano profesional y certificado es de suma importancia, ya que realizará cambios en su cuerpo que posiblemente permanezcan de por vida. Esta decisión puede resultar en una mejora emocional y de la autoestima o lo contrario: decepción, arrepentimiento o complicaciones innecesarias.

Lo primero que se debe hacer para elegir al cirujano plástico correcto es verificar las certificaciones y credenciales. Es importante que sean válidas, auténticas y otorgadas por una asociación oficial de cirugía plástica.

La experiencia es otro punto clave. Elija un cirujano con años de experiencia en el área del cuerpo que desea tratar o que practique con frecuencia el procedimiento deseado. Siéntase con la confianza de preguntarle a su doctor sobre sus conocimientos en el tema que a usted le interese.

Otro aspecto relevante es ver las fotografías del antes y después. Esto le permitirá conocer el estilo estético del médico, es decir qué tipo de moldeado practica en rostros y cuerpos. Mire cuantas fotos le sea possible.  

Algo que pocos consideran es la conexión emocional con el cirujano. Cuando hable con él, explique lo más detalladamente posible los cambios que desea y cómo se siente. Lleve fotografías que ejemplifiquen cómo le gustaría mirarse. Debe sentirse cómodo con la relación que su doctor le ofrece y la confianza que le transmite. Busque un médico dispuesto a escuchar, entender y responder todas sus dudas, no importa cuántas sean.  

Las instalaciones son otro punto muy importante, ya que parte de su seguridad depende de ellas. Asegúrese de que su doctor tiene una clínica moderna, bien equipada, con instrumentos de marcas reconocidas.

Por último, tome en cuenta la atención personalizada, ya que requerirá cuidados humanos antes, durante y después de su procedimiento. Asegúrese de que el personal de su médico hable su idioma, sea profesional y esté capacitado, pues serán las personas que le cuidarán desde el primer día.

Estas son solo algunas de las consideraciones que deberá tomar para elegir el cirujano ideal. Una vez que su cirugía termine, el resto depende de usted. Siga las indicaciones de su médico y cuídese bien; esto le propiciará una pronta recuperación y larga duración de los cambios que haya decidido tener en su cuerpo.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

What to consider if you are thinking about plastic surgery.

One of the many purposes of aesthetic and plastic procedures is to improve the beauty of the body and the self esteem. However, doing this implies a big responsibility in both, the surgeon and the patient. Plastic surgery can be a very positive thing in life, but if the necessary steps regarding safety are not taken, it might end in undesired results or complications.

Once the patient has decided to go under the knife, it is his or her responsibility to check on the background of the doctor who will perform the procedures. To verify certifications, reviews, experience, recommendations and before and after pictures are some of the steps a person should take before choosing a doctor.

After a certified, experienced surgeon with state of the art facilities has been chosen, the patient must begin preparations for the procedure, which are basically indications given by the doctor.  It is important that before the operation the patient stops smoking, checks hemoglobin levels and, if previous surgeries have been done, allow the necessary period of time to pass before beginning the new one.

When the procedures are all done, it is essential that from day one, the patient follows the instructions given by the medic. If traveling by car has to be done after the surgery, it is recommended to stop and walk for 10 to 15 minutes after every hour. If a plane is taken, ask your doctor for recommendations to maintain the circulation of the body flowing. Medication and anticoagulants should be ingested on time, as specified by the surgeon.  

Another important issue is not going to the gym or making any physical activities, until the doctor approves of it. If there are any given instructions regarding bandages, positions during sleep, ingestion of alcohol, and so on, they all should be followed rigorously.

Many people believe that once a procedure is done, the changes may remain forever, but this perception is not accurate. If the patient does not take the proper care after surgery, or has an unhealthy lifestyle, it is highly probable that the results may not be successful or fade prematurely.

Once the procedure is done, the patient must provide some maintenance over the years. For example, a patient who had liposuction should keep an eye on his or her eating habits, or else, in the short term, he or she will be back to where they started.

These are only a few of the recommendations a patient should keep in mind before and after considering plastic surgery. Remember that choosing the right surgeon is crucial, but the patient also plays a big role in safety and obtaining positive results.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Is it safe to travel Tijuana Mexico for plastic surgery?

Medical and health care have been for over 20 years a special reason to visit Mexico, it’s currently among the top ten world renowned destinations for medical tourism.  Our country is staffed by highly qualified doctors and surgeons to provide the best care and service to all our visitors, providing worldwide professionalism through a prime class medical technology.

A health Care Myth about Tijuana Mexico! As in every country, there are good and bad physicians, better and worse hospitals... But in the specific case of Mexico, their negative stereotypes comes from mass media information about the drug-related violence and crime wave from years ago. The Mexican government made and remarkable effort to improve the security and low down the levels of crime organization, protecting Mexican citizens and foreign visitors… Nowadays the percentages of crime and violence have dropped down significantly in the last 6 years; the Mexican government and our society are working hard to leave that bad reputation in the past, to improve the image of Mexico around the world, focusing on the best qualities of our country; its great archaeological heritage, natural and cultural diversity, world-class tourism and health infrastructure with a high quality of service.

The quality of Mexico medical services shouldn’t be related with the reputation of the country, in fact The International Joint Commission has accredited 7 hospitals in our country. In turn, the Federal Ministry of Health has provided certification for 105 hospitals, 98 of which are equivalent to international standards.” - Mexico Tourism Board ©

Mexico has many destinations specialized in medical tourism, where touristic providers join medical care of the highest quality to meet the fields of plastic and aesthetic surgery. Tijuana Mexico, located just across San Diego, California Border is one of the most important frontiers around the world, receiving every day thousands of visitors from USA, Canada, Europe, South America and other parts of the world.

Our visitors have developed trust in Tijuana Mexico, providing top class medical infrastructure: wellness facilities, retirement spots and specialty clinics. Having an international airport in our city is another advantage for medical tourism, becoming easier to transport the patient from the airport to their clinic, and flight back home after medical care… Preventive care, medical checkups, specialized surgery and the recovery care of our patients/visitors, are monitored with warmth and professionalism of our service during their entire trip, making their stay safe and comfortable in our city.  To complete their experience in optimal conditions, Tijuana Mexico have the best conditions for total recovery: with healthy and regulated environments, hotels and touristic destinations recognized for its diversity and appeal.

As a worldwide destination for medical tourism, Dr. Manuel Gutierrez choose Tijuana Mexico as a strategic place to provide the best plastic surgery experience to foreign and national patients. Dr. Gutierrez and his certified staff are fully prepared to offer the best professional service, care and attention to their patients, their facilities are equipped with the most advanced technology, and modern operating rooms, providing a safe environment with highest standards of hygiene in every one of their surgeries. 

Don’t lose the opportunity to visit another country and get a prime quality medical experience, apply for plastic surgery with Dr. Manuel Gutierrez affordable plastic surgery without sacrificing quality!

 CONTACT NUMBER:  (619) 572 8981

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Breast Augmentation in Tijuana, Mexico Post Op

Breast Augmentation in Tijuana, Mexico Post Op

One of the points of greatest concern to women who want to undergo breast augmentation surgery is post op. Most patients who come to the clinic of Dr. Manuel Gutierrez ask us: How is the postoperative process after breast augmentation surgery? How often should I undergo a revision?

Postoperative breast augmentation surgery in Tijuana features and recommendations:

  • The patient will feel discomfort in the chest similar to the feeling of pressure from a rise in postpartum milk. It is important to take medication prescribed every 4 hours to maintain a level of continuous analgesia throughout the day. These symptoms usually last a week and are fully controllable with medication.
  • You can move, use your arms and carry some weight. You may do all kinds of movement that does not cause pain.
  • Results are spectacular from the first day.
  • Typically, the patient does not have even a single bruise.
  • It is important to avoid exercises that involve jumping ( "bouncing") in the first 3-4 months: running, horseback riding, spinning, step ... Yes you can do strength exercises, elliptical, exercise bike, etc.
  • A 5-6 days you can sleep on your side.
  • At 6 weeks you can sleep upside down.
  • No need to remove stitches, drains or bandages (not used).
  • No need to give massages ("not to be encapsulated"), in fact it is formally. contraindicated with some implants.
  • You should wear a sports bra for 30 days.
  • The chest swells at the beginning and will be going down gradually over the next 6 months.
  • From the sixth month the feel is more natural, softer.
  • The first incision becomes red (inflammatory phase) and then whitewashes over the first year. We use a series of products that help with healing for it to be noticed as little as possible. At the end there is typically a fine white line 1mm thick.
  • We must avoid the sun on the scar during the first year.

Board certified plastic surgeon in Tijuana, Mexico Dr. Manuel Gutierrez has over 16 years of experience in the field of plastic surgery. With thousands of successful procedures performed and due to his superb technique, he is considered one of the best plastic surgeons in the Tijuana-San Diego region.

For more information on breast augmentation surgery in Tijuana or to book an appointment, please call us at 619) 572 8981 or you can visit our website